As we weren't present at any of the occasions photographed or described we don't know from whom anything really originates (except our own dodgy nostalgia).
A fact of life when undertaking something like this is crediting and validating what you include. Hopefully saving you the time and trouble searching for it yourself. By attempting to provide an interesting and knowledgeable website we have amassed details from many different locations including our memories. We hope it will be of interest to those who may wish to relive their youth or maybe, having acquired such a machine are interested in widening their knowledge of it and the genre in general. It is our intention to host a resource for those interested in slot machines from the age of The Penny Arcade. Learn more about this type of machine at the 'AllWin Gallery' See this machine in action on the 'Hawtins' Page This site is now running under a top rated security certificate and is as safe to use as any on the net